After looking at Bandersnatch, the latest show of the Black Mirror franchise and the first interactive piece of fiction on Netflix, I was really divided. On the one hand, I was in awe… the show — which demands that viewers take decisions to determine small choices by the leading character as well as key turns in the…
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Concentriamoci sugli small data, la lezione di Martin Lindstrom
Articolo originariamente pubblicato su StartUp News. Il primo consiglio che Martin Lindstrom – massimo esperto di neuromarketing e tra gli speaker del Philip Kotler Marketing Forum tenutosi a Bologna poche settimane fa – offre alle aziende con cui lavora è quello di trascorrere del tempo in contatto diretto con i loro clienti. È un consiglio…
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Responsabilità sociale prima di cominciare: ascoltare Kotler pensando alle startup
Articolo originariemente pubblicato su StartUp News. L’intervento di Philip Kotler al Philip Kotler Marketing Forum (PKMF) di Bologna – il più grande evento di formazione dedicato al marketing strategico – ha offerto abbondanti spunti per pensare e ripensare aziende di ogni dimensione. Tra gli aspetti maggiormente evidenziati dallo stesso Kotler, vi è l’importanza di rendere…
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Proto Challenge
Mechanical design and additive manufacturing
Proto Challenge is an initiative for dissemination and training purposes to allow companies to explore benefits and techniques of mechanical design with advanced software to improve mechanical performance and production with additive techniques. 5 products will be selected, analyzed and redesigned by teams of young talents in the course of 5 weeks.
Open innovation
The event is part of a series organized by HIT - Hub Innovazione Trentino and it involved:
5 industrial products or part from companies
25 selected solvers divided into 5 teams
4 university departments
10 mentors between professionals and researchers
5 weeks of analysis and mechanical redesign
1 winner team!